Download PDF This Scot of Mine The Rogue Files edition by Sophie Jordan Romance eBooks

By Jeffrey Reeves on Thursday, May 16, 2019

Download PDF This Scot of Mine The Rogue Files edition by Sophie Jordan Romance eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 1647 KB
  • Print Length 352 pages
  • Publisher Avon (March 12, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 12, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B07C6824SG

This Scot of Mine The Rogue Files edition by Sophie Jordan Romance eBooks Reviews

  • This is the third book I have read in the series. I like that each book has a unique storyline. This one has a whimsical side to it given the curse. Of course, as a reader, I know there is a happy ending. Now, the journey to that happy ending is what kept me up finishing this book. I do enjoy reading (and finishing) a good book.

    I like the characters. I like how straightforward the storyline is. No side stories. No minor characters outshining the hero and heroine. And I like that you do not have to read the previous books in the series to appreciate this book more. The story is well paced. This book just focused on the hero and heroine and how they worked together to overcome a curse. The innocent heroine “ruined” herself in the eyes of society to escape and engagement. The hero married her because her “ruined” state is perfect for his situation. So imagine his reaction to the truth. And her reaction to his “situation”. I consider this book to be a light read because it has none of the brooding and the angst and the misunderstanding and miscommunication that some novels capitalize on. This story has love, humor, family and hope. I like that there is an epilogue that focused on the makn characters but gave a hint of the next book in the series. Which I will, of course, buy.
  • The whole story revolved around the curse of the McLarin Lairds, it was intriguing at the beginning and the characters were engaging enough. It would have been good, if they have explained how did they break the curse. The prologue was about it, I was hoping that the epilogue would be the conclusion. Alas, in the end, it’s only all assumptions on the readers part. Maybe because Hunt married her when he thought that he was pregnant with another man’s child or probably because Clara delivered twins instead of just one bairn. Or maybe, they were just a superstitious lot and there was really no curse to begin with. Merely unfortunate incidents from the previous lairds. Moral of the story though was to live for the present and to not let the future stop you from claiming or doing what you want.
  • Lady Clara is so determined to escape her horrible betrothal, that she creates a lie that she is ruined - not just ruined, but pregnant by another man - in order to escape. Her escape is banishment to her the Highlands where her sister lives with her husband, so she can have the non-existent child. There Lady Clara meets the Laird Hunt MacLarin. Hunt believes his family is cursed, but also that marriage to Lady Clara may release him from this curse. There are many things each character doesn't tell the other, which is a plot device/trope I don't always enjoy. However, I really liked both Hunt and Clara and I was happy to see them each try to work out these misunderstandings and miscommunications, both individually and together. I also enjoyed the secondary characters, from Hunt's grandmother who was both intense and wise, and the rival-cousin who added some comic relief. Ultimately, I could cheer for both Hunt and Clara and their road to HEA, and that makes a winning story for me.
  • I enjoyed this book but there is a lot of exposition and the curse really dulls the character's relationship. They spend all their time worrying about the curse insted of getting to know each other.

    I also thought the storyline was a little sloppy. The nature of the curse seems to change by the end--that he will not live to hold his child rather than not to see them take a breath. I'm not sure how the ending really resolved that.

    Also A LOT about the herione's previous fiancee was left unexplained. But instead of talking about that significnt relationship, they spent all their time worrying about the curse.

    And the cliffhannger ending re Marian was very unwelcome and unnecessary.

    tl;dr-story was fun and engaging at times but also dull and inconsistent in others.
  • This book is definitely a new favorite for me! I really adored the characters and how they handled everything that came their way. The pacing of the story was great. The conflict was not overblown or frustrating. Instead, the way they handled their conflicts flowed naturally, and their love for each other was exactly what I look for in a novel. I wish I could crawl back inside it. This story gave me all the feels, with plenty of sexiness and the perfect dose of angst. It’s not often that I’m completely at a loss as to how a story will be resolved, and I’m pleased to say, the tension held through to the end. I just loved this book!
  • I like a lot of Sophie Jordan's books, but this one I did not even finish. I just could not be ok with h's deceitfulness and the curse was kind of unbelievable too. Starting a marriage with that kind of deceit would just be too hard to get past. I kept thinking she was going to do the right thing and tell him and was very disappointed that she didn't tell him before the wedding. This book just wasn't my cup of tea.
  • Oh no! A curse! The laird's fiance Lady Clara surely does not believe in it. The hero, Hunt needs an heir, but his line is cursed or so he thinks. Will he ever be free of this dreaded curse? It was an enjoyable read to learn if the curse wins out or if all will be well! Will Hunt ever live to see his heir born or will he die like all of his ancestors before him that have not seen their bairns. An enjoyable read! Thank you, Sophie Jordan!
  • After waiting so long for this book I can honestly say that i was not disappointed. The story line was not overly complicated with frustrating dialogues. The heroine was very candid and they both faced their issues head on. this was a good read i never wanted it to end. congratulations miss Jordan another awesome novel