Download Natural Witch DDVN World Book 4 edition by KF Breene Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks

By Jeffrey Reeves on Friday, May 24, 2019

Download Natural Witch DDVN World Book 4 edition by KF Breene Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 2826 KB
  • Print Length 457 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date January 25, 2018
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Natural Witch DDVN World Book 4 edition by KF Breene Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks Reviews

  • Wow. What an entertaining, in-depth first start to a new series. We first met Penny in the Fire & Ice Trilogy as the scared, but powerful, Witch hiding in the broom closet of a church. This book starts with that scene from Penny’s point of view [awesome] and then sets us up for her being back home in a rainy Seattle suburb trying to figure out how to use her newfound magic.

    Well, that happens in a BIG way. Penny accidentally becomes embroiled in Emery‘s [a Natural Mage] quest to find the person who ordered his brother’s death when she bypasses a ‘magic’ detour sign one night and happens upon his magical battle. Chaos, much chaos & hilarity ensue.

    The book goes at a pretty good pace. The author doesn’t try to complicate your world with spell casting, and the magic references that she does put in there for authenticity are spot on. Fans of the Fire & Ice Trilogy will be thrilled to see Darius featured in the book - it’s timeline appears to be concurrent with the second book of that series.

    I don’t want to give away all the best gems in the book [it IS K.F. Breene after all], but these were two of my favorite LOL moments

    “I basically lie for a living,” I said, not moving. “As my mother and the person responsible for teaching me morals, that should give you pause.”

    A little eccentric? People had thought she was crazy for years. This would dump her into the “best not to look at her directly” bucket.

    K.F. Breene manages, yet again, to produce pure, snarky gold that makes me go back to chapter 1 as soon as I see “The End”. And after checking the titles and the release dates of the next two books, I’ll be counting down the days for the future releases.
  • Penelope (Penny) is a weird girl with a horribly overprotective mother. She does and says the oddest things. She feels things in the world around her, but that’s not normal right? So she hides her strangeness under a rock, until she braves a chance to break away from her mother to see what all this strangeness is about. Opening scene Penny is on her way to a Magic Retreat that goes terribly haywire. Here is where she realizes she has a boatload of magic and doesn’t know how to control it. When she safely returns to her mundane life living with her mother she also returns to her odd job as a fortuneteller at an outdoor fair. Whilst working as a Fortune Teller she unknowingly meets her destiny, Emery. He says interesting things and asks intriguing questions yet is he just making folly of her, she is unsure. The things he says and his touch however feel just right, how odd. This book is fun, quick and romantic without the bumping of body parts, honestly that is OK too but the story doesn’t need a huge sexual statement there is too much going on and world building right now. Penny is funny without even trying and her crazy mother is just over the top as well. I enjoyed Natural Witch. This book gave me new perspective into the Fire and Ice world. This book is written is a way you can read it without already reading Reagan’s story. I however highly recommend reading the Fire and Ice Trilogy for the full effect. I’m ready for the next installment of this crazy fast ride to see where it takes us. Again I am strongly suggesting you read the F&I Trilogy to better understand some of the world building. But hey I love continuations of the characters in this book so maybe you’re not like me in that respect. This book is not a cliff hanger but it is a steady roll down the hill, so yes there is and needs to be another book to follow up this one, and I am excited to read it too.
  • Natural Witch is a new book just out from author K.F. Breene and its awesome! The book is the story of Penny, a girl who loves to blend into the background as she discovers she does, indeed, possess magical powers. She bumbles into this realization while away at a "beginners magical weekend' which puts her into a place she's not prepared for. As she returns to her everyday life at home with her over controlling mother, she's confronted by magic and must make some choices as to stand and fight or hide in a closet. Again.

    The story is a spin off from the Fire and Ice trilogy and it begins in a scene from the first Fire and Ice book. I loved that tie in, as it brought in some fun back story as to how the main character, Penny, gets to be where she is. The book has a great pace, and the characters are well written and filled out. I love the humor in it, as well as the steady action.

    If you haven't read Fire and Ice, no worries, this book works well as a stand alone.
  • This is the first book I've read from KF, but it won't be the last. Wow. I loved Penny from the start and Emery? SWOON. (I love book boyfriends). This book was so refreshing and different from every other witch/mage book I've read. The characters came to life and I went from laughter to sitting on the edge of my seat several times. Add to that Penny's mom, and you have a recipe for success. Pure natural magic right here. Can't wait for the next book.
  • I was so excited to read this book. KF Breene’s Fire and Ice trilogy was awesome so I knew this book would be great as well. I loved the storyline, the writing and the characters. Penny and her mom were such great characters. They were hilarious and pretty bada**. Her mom was so overbearing which made for some pretty funny moments. I liked Emery as well. He is a powerful natural. He has some issues he needs to overcome and I’m looking forward to what comes after he gets passed them. I loved following Penny’s learning of magic. The whole magic aspect of the book is really interesting and cool to me. I loved getting to see Darius again and when I read what is to come in the next book I was so excited to get more of Reagan. I was wishing we saw her more in this book but besides the very beginning she wasn’t included. Solas was awesome as well and I wouldn’t mind seeing more of her. The final battle in the story kept you on the edge of your seat. I thought we’d see more of Penny and Emery making a statement with their magic combined but it was a team effort between all involved and was still pretty great. I’m really looking forward to the next book. Cannot wait.