Download PDF Dialogues autour du Féminin et du Masculin Sacrés French Edition edition by Lorraine Glatigny Régis FagotBarraly Religion Spirituality eBooks

By Jeffrey Reeves on Saturday, June 1, 2019

Download PDF Dialogues autour du Féminin et du Masculin Sacrés French Edition edition by Lorraine Glatigny Régis FagotBarraly Religion Spirituality eBooks

Download As PDF : Dialogues autour du Féminin et du Masculin Sacrés French Edition edition by Lorraine Glatigny Régis FagotBarraly Religion Spirituality eBooks

Download PDF Dialogues autour du Féminin et du Masculin Sacrés French Edition  edition by Lorraine Glatigny Régis FagotBarraly Religion Spirituality eBooks

- Une envie de dialoguer à propos des relations entre hommes et femmes.
- Une connivence naturelle avec mon oncle, qui a les mêmes aspirations que moi.
- Un besoin de se retrouver dans la nature.
Et nous voilà partis sur les chemins, avec mon oncle et un ami, pour semaine en immersion totale dans la nature, fascinés par le spectacle qu'elle offre. Le jour, nous marchons et nous parlons ensemble. La nuit, nous dormons à la belle étoile. Nous passons nos soirées autour d'un feu de camp, pour retrouver cette paix qui nous manque aujourd'hui, dans les sociétés modernes.
Chacun parle de son expérience. L'un pratique le yoga, l'hypnose et la méditation. L'autre utilise la communication non violente. Et moi, je suis partie étudier le chamanisme, selon les rites ancestraux des tribus, en ie et aux Philippines.
Nous parlons des relations humaines, du lien que nous devons retrouver avec la nature, de la place de la femme et de son influence sur l'évolution du monde, du nouveau rôle de l'homme, du féminin et du masculin sacrés.

Download PDF Dialogues autour du Féminin et du Masculin Sacrés French Edition edition by Lorraine Glatigny Régis FagotBarraly Religion Spirituality eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 20642 KB
  • Print Length 75 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date March 29, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language French

Read Dialogues autour du Féminin et du Masculin Sacrés French Edition  edition by Lorraine Glatigny Régis FagotBarraly Religion Spirituality eBooks

Tags : Dialogues autour du Féminin et du Masculin Sacrés (French Edition) - edition by Lorraine Glatigny, Régis Fagot-Barraly. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Dialogues autour du Féminin et du Masculin Sacrés (French Edition).,ebook,Lorraine Glatigny, Régis Fagot-Barraly,Dialogues autour du Féminin et du Masculin Sacrés (French Edition),Body, Mind Spirit / Sacred Sexuality,Body, Mind Spirit / Inspiration Personal Growth

Dialogues autour du Féminin et du Masculin Sacrés French Edition edition by Lorraine Glatigny Régis FagotBarraly Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews :

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PDF Do Less A Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management for Busy Moms edition by Kate Northrup Politics Social Sciences eBooks

By Jeffrey Reeves

PDF Do Less A Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management for Busy Moms edition by Kate Northrup Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 3885 KB
  • Print Length 248 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 1401954987
  • Publisher Hay House Inc. (April 2, 2019)
  • Publication Date April 2, 2019
  • Sold by Penguin Random House Publisher Services
  • Language English

Do Less A Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management for Busy Moms edition by Kate Northrup Politics Social Sciences eBooks Reviews

  • I lOVE this book. It is revolutionary. Imagine a time management system that relaxes your body and soul and mind and in so doing makes you more effective! I have been practicing Kate's Do Less system from her online material and it has transformed my life, my sleep and settled my nervous system. I am so excited to have this book in my hands. I am a busy mother and I coach busy mothers to listen to their body's cues and their intuition as they mother. This book is going to to take my work with mothers to a whole new level. I have no more guilt about "not doing enough" each day. That's a miracle. I can't wait to share this book with my clients.
  • Over the years, I've learned that choosing a "do less" approach isn't about giving things up. It's about getting clear on what matters most, feeling restored in your body and rooted with what you have to contribute to the world. If you're someone who's tired of feeling overwhelmed, averse to the word hustle and all it requires, and is looking for a way forward that feels aligned with who you are, read this book. Kate's practical guide offers insight from her own experience, plus plenty of ideas for how to integrate this mindset into your day to day, no matter your circumstances.
  • I adore Kate Northrupp and all her work, this book is no exception! She has a gentle, kind and wise way of helping you in simple, yet profound ways.
    The experiment section can really be applied in many different ways and I read several things that can be implemented easily with minimal effort that will help me simplify. I cant wait to see how tracking my cycles impacts my productivity
  • Do Less is a book and a life philosophy that has changed the way I mother, run my business, and most importantly view my worth in this world.
    This book weaves practical advise on managing your time and energy with personal stories that feels accessible to actually do while managing a household.
    I highly recommend this book to any mother or caregiver who is struggling to find time for herself and her dreams.
  • This book comes at a time when we know there is more to being in the world than DOing #allthethings, and Kate shares what this actually looks and feels like and provides actual ways and “experiments” to help you embody what it truly means to be Mother and Woman and Dog Mom and Sister and Busiess Owner in a way that leaves you feeling filled up and content rather than strung out and looking for your next “hit” of “busy.” Truly life changing.
  • My favorite part about this book was the insight around women's menstrual cycle and the relationship between energy and time management. It is absolutely worth the read for that chapter alone. I found it extremely useful, and specifically am grateful for Kate's stand for inclusion and diversity in her work and her business. Kate's approach is fun and kind. I took away some strong insights that I will use in the future and highly recommend!
  • Too many chapters about your menustral cycle. Book would have made a better blog post. Lacks content and applicable ideas.
  • Could not love this more!!!
More aboutPDF Do Less A Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management for Busy Moms edition by Kate Northrup Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Download Anatomy of the Psyche Alchemical Symbolism in Psychotherapy Reality of the Psyche Series Audible Audio Edition Edward F Edinger James Killavey University Press Audiobooks Books

By Jeffrey Reeves on Friday, May 31, 2019

Download Anatomy of the Psyche Alchemical Symbolism in Psychotherapy Reality of the Psyche Series Audible Audio Edition Edward F Edinger James Killavey University Press Audiobooks Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 7 hours and 24 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher University Press Audiobooks
  • Release Date February 25, 2019
  • Language English, English

Anatomy of the Psyche Alchemical Symbolism in Psychotherapy Reality of the Psyche Series Audible Audio Edition Edward F Edinger James Killavey University Press Audiobooks Books Reviews

  • I picked up this book at the suggestion of a friend due to my interest in the dream work, and I've discovered it to be an excellent study on symbolism and how it can be applied to the symbolism of our dreams as well in ourselves. This book is divided into seven stages corresponding to different functions of the Alchemical Work and their psychological analogues, which all added to my understanding of the symbolism and its importance on one's psychology.

    I most certainly agree with one reviewer that there are no hard and fast rules in decoding the symbolism of dreams as I often found myself at disadvantages with interpreting my own dreams for self-growth. But, it is best to gain more theories and guidelines on the subject which become the available tools for us to use in interpreting.

    Indeed, this book is not an easy reading but proved to be useful and one of excellent resources on the subject.
  • Edinger is a titan in depth psychology. Consequently I had great expectations for this book and was a bit disappointed. The research and scholarship are first rate, and the illustrations from classic alchemical texts are fantastic. However, even though Edinger expresses up front that alchemical processes in psychology have no single linear progression and must be addressed through an examination of its various operations, the book places too much emphasis on the parts rather than the whole and, I feel, loses the forest in the trees. I would have appreciated a more holistic approach that emphasized how the processes work in concert to achieve transformation. Also, while Edinger provides a good outline of what each alchemical operation is, he doesn't focus enough on how the processes operate in individual psychic transformation. A case study illustrating the operations in practice would have been useful. So, the book is a good resource, but to get a clearer sense of how alchemy operates in the psyche, I'll have to look elsewhere.
  • For those who are studying alchemical and Jungian psychology, this book simplifies what C.G Jung and Maria Luisa von Franz write about alchemy. Understanding alchemy is necessary for understanding dream symbols.
  • Edinger says that the alchemists unintentionally built a map of the human psyche when they developed their theories about the material world; then proceeds to give example after example of the parallels between Jung's psychological framework and the alchemical "discoveries." Well worth the read.
  • Wonderful book - nice bridge between alchemy and Jung
  • This book helps to explain alchemy. Doesn't really give an actual anatomy of the psyche but it's still a really good read.
  • Very clear presentation of main 7 stages. I suspect there are more stages that Edinger could have explored - but these are great. Very helpful in thinking about dreams.
  • This book is fascinating read and teaches, through a specific set of rich and beautiful symbols, one way to spiritual enlightenment. I read it again and again.
More aboutDownload Anatomy of the Psyche Alchemical Symbolism in Psychotherapy Reality of the Psyche Series Audible Audio Edition Edward F Edinger James Killavey University Press Audiobooks Books

Read Online Atlas militaire et stratégique Atlas Monde French Edition eBook Collectif Bruno Tertrais Bruno Tertrais

By Jeffrey Reeves

Read Online Atlas militaire et stratégique Atlas Monde French Edition eBook Collectif Bruno Tertrais Bruno Tertrais

Download As PDF : Atlas militaire et stratégique Atlas Monde French Edition eBook Collectif Bruno Tertrais Bruno Tertrais

Download PDF Atlas militaire et strat&eacutegique Atlas Monde French Edition eBook Collectif Bruno Tertrais Bruno Tertrais

Faire la guerre, maintenir la paix  les nouveaux enjeux militaires.

France, États-Unis, Russie, Chine... Les grandes puissances font face à de nouvelles menaces et cherchent les meilleurs moyens de les combattre. Comment organisent-elles leurs forces et
définissent-elles leur stratégie ?
Cet atlas présente les théories militaires, mais s'appuie aussi sur de nombreux exemples régionaux 

• La stratégie  principes, espaces et moyens de combat.
• Les acteurs  États, organisations internationales, pirates, terroristes...
• Les crises et tensions actuelles Asie, Moyen-Orient, Afrique, Arctique.
• l'avenir de la guerre guerres du futur, nouvelles technologies, enjeux climatiques.

Grâce à plus de 80 cartes et documents, l'atlas analyse ainsi un monde sous tension et l'éclaire sous l'angle des enjeux militaires et stratégiques.

Read Online Atlas militaire et stratégique Atlas Monde French Edition eBook Collectif Bruno Tertrais Bruno Tertrais


Product details

  • File Size 67509 KB
  • Print Length 96 pages
  • Publisher Autrement (March 20, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 20, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language French

Read Atlas militaire et strat&eacutegique Atlas Monde French Edition eBook Collectif Bruno Tertrais Bruno Tertrais

Tags : Atlas militaire et stratégique (Atlas Monde) (French Edition) eBook Collectif, Bruno Tertrais, Bruno Tertrais ,ebook,Collectif, Bruno Tertrais, Bruno Tertrais,Atlas militaire et stratégique (Atlas Monde) (French Edition),Autrement,Géographie,Géographie humaine

Atlas militaire et stratégique Atlas Monde French Edition eBook Collectif Bruno Tertrais Bruno Tertrais Reviews :

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Download Scrivere Fantasy Italian Edition edition by Andrea Franco Reference eBooks

By Jeffrey Reeves

Download Scrivere Fantasy Italian Edition edition by Andrea Franco Reference eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 626 KB
  • Print Length 215 pages
  • Publisher Delos Digital (March 5, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 5, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian
  • ASIN B07P68KDF6

More aboutDownload Scrivere Fantasy Italian Edition edition by Andrea Franco Reference eBooks

Read Find Your Way Unleash Your Power and Highest Potential Carly Fiorina Dr Henry Cloud 9781496435699 Books

By Jeffrey Reeves

Read Find Your Way Unleash Your Power and Highest Potential Carly Fiorina Dr Henry Cloud 9781496435699 Books

Product details

  • Hardcover 256 pages
  • Publisher Tyndale Momentum (April 9, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1496435699

Find Your Way Unleash Your Power and Highest Potential Carly Fiorina Dr Henry Cloud 9781496435699 Books Reviews

  • Carly offers a thoughtful approach to leadership and unleashing the potential within you. I loved the idea she proposes that we are on a journey not a destination and that we have the power to leave things better than we found them. She offers thoughtful insight and interesting stories from her life experiences.
  • Carly does such a great job of explaining that who we are inside and what we have yet to discover within is so much more important than where we happen to be at a given moment. I wish I’d had this book to read about 30 years ago! But that won’t stop me from finding what is next. Whether it’s a book you have yet to write, new friendships that will transform your life, or some other way you’ll make the world a better place, Carly will help you discover it.
  • I was surprised how long it took me to read this book. I ripped through Carly’s last book. I struggled with whether it was the book, me, or the concepts needed more reflection. I agree about so much she puts forth about solving problems and courage. I found her process challenging to play forward in my mind. That said, there are concepts I will deploy. I’m glad to have read it.
  • very pleased
More aboutRead Find Your Way Unleash Your Power and Highest Potential Carly Fiorina Dr Henry Cloud 9781496435699 Books

PDF MercedesBenz W126 SClass 19791991 Crowood Autoclassics Nik Greene 9781785005411 Books

By Jeffrey Reeves

PDF MercedesBenz W126 SClass 19791991 Crowood Autoclassics Nik Greene 9781785005411 Books

Download As PDF : MercedesBenz W126 SClass 19791991 Crowood Autoclassics Nik Greene 9781785005411 Books

Download PDF MercedesBenz W126 SClass 19791991 Crowood Autoclassics Nik Greene 9781785005411 Books

"You don't simply decide to buy an S-Class it comes to you when fate has ordained that your life should take that course. The door closes with a reassuring clunk - and you have arrived," said the sales brochure of the first real Sonderklasse, the W116. The Mercedes 126 S-Class of 1979-1991 remains the most successful premium saloon in the company's history and is considered by many to be one of the best cars in the world. With over 300 colour photos and production histories and specifications for both Generation One and Two models, this is an essential resource for anyone with an interest in this timeless car.    

PDF MercedesBenz W126 SClass 19791991 Crowood Autoclassics Nik Greene 9781785005411 Books


Product details

  • Series Crowood Autoclassics
  • Hardcover 224 pages
  • Publisher The Crowood Press UK (May 28, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1785005413

Read MercedesBenz W126 SClass 19791991 Crowood Autoclassics Nik Greene 9781785005411 Books

Tags : Mercedes-Benz W126 S-Class 1979-1991 (Crowood Autoclassics) [Nik Greene] on . <DIV> You don't simply decide to buy an S-Class it comes to you when fate has ordained that your life should take that course. The door closes with a reassuring clunk - and you have arrived,Nik Greene,Mercedes-Benz W126 S-Class 1979-1991 (Crowood Autoclassics),The Crowood Press UK,1785005413,GENERAL,General Adult,History,Non-Fiction,TRANSPORTATION / Automotive / History,TRANSPORTATION / Automotive / Pictorial,Transportation,Transportation/Automotive - Pictorial

MercedesBenz W126 SClass 19791991 Crowood Autoclassics Nik Greene 9781785005411 Books Reviews :

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PDF African Samurai The True Story of Yasuke a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan Audible Audio Edition Thomas Lockley Geoffrey Girard Gary Furlong Harlequin Audio Books

By Jeffrey Reeves on Thursday, May 30, 2019

PDF African Samurai The True Story of Yasuke a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan Audible Audio Edition Thomas Lockley Geoffrey Girard Gary Furlong Harlequin Audio Books

Download As PDF : African Samurai The True Story of Yasuke a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan Audible Audio Edition Thomas Lockley Geoffrey Girard Gary Furlong Harlequin Audio Books

Download PDF African Samurai The True Story of Yasuke a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan Audible Audio Edition Thomas Lockley Geoffrey Girard Gary Furlong Harlequin Audio Books

Warrior. Samurai. Legend.

The remarkable life of history's first foreign-born samurai and his astonishing journey from Northeast Africa to the heights of Japanese society.

When Yasuke arrived in Japan in the late 1500s, he had already traveled much of the known world. Kidnapped as a child, he had ended up a servant and bodyguard to the head of the Jesuits in Asia, with whom he traversed India and China, learning multiple languages as he went. His arrival in Kyoto, however, literally caused a riot. Most Japanese people had never seen an African man before, and many of them saw him as the embodiment of the black-skinned (in local tradition) Buddha. Among those who were drawn to his presence was Lord Nobunaga, head of the most powerful clan in Japan, who made Yasuke a samurai in his court. Soon, he was learning the traditions of Japan's martial arts and ascending the upper echelons of Japanese society.

In the 400 years since, Yasuke has been known in Japan largely as a legendary, perhaps mythical figure. Now, African Samurai presents the never-before-told biography of this unique figure of the 16th century, one whose travels between countries, cultures, and classes offers a new perspective on race in world history and a vivid portrait of life in medieval Japan.

Supplemental enhancement PDF accompanies the audiobook.  

PLEASE NOTE When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

PDF African Samurai The True Story of Yasuke a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan Audible Audio Edition Thomas Lockley Geoffrey Girard Gary Furlong Harlequin Audio Books

"African Samurai is a fascinating account of the merging of several worlds in the late 1500s. Taking the minimumal historical accounts of the life of Yasuke, author Thomas Lockley tells a story of an African slave of Portuguese Jesuits and how he rose in the ranks of samurai Japan. Lockley discusses the experiences of slaves in Asia, an area seldom included in the story of slavery, with a focus on India and Japan. Jesuit efforts to bring Christianity are examined, their small triumphs and ultimate failure to keep a beachhead in the nation. Lockley is very good at parsing the complex politics of Japan during the end of the shogun period and the lifetime of Lord Nobunaga . I found the discussion of the samurai particularly good and of interest to to anyone, even those with little knowledge of that warrior class. The lasting legend of Yasuke and its impact on Japanese culture is also examined. I think anyone who with an interest in early modern history on a world scale will be intrigued by this book, and it would make a nice addition to a reading list on that era. I enjoyed how Lockley presents the coming together of various cultures and the opportunities that merging presented people at the time. The reader should remember that we actually know very little about the man Yasuke, but the author weaves that morsel of knowledge into a much bigger story, and the reader will be rewarded with this well written and, yes, entertaining, book."

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 10 hours and 8 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Harlequin Audio
  • Release Date April 30, 2019
  • Language English, English

Read African Samurai The True Story of Yasuke a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan Audible Audio Edition Thomas Lockley Geoffrey Girard Gary Furlong Harlequin Audio Books

Tags : African Samurai The True Story of Yasuke, a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan (Audible Audio Edition) Thomas Lockley, Geoffrey Girard, Gary Furlong, Harlequin Audio Books, ,Thomas Lockley, Geoffrey Girard, Gary Furlong, Harlequin Audio,African Samurai The True Story of Yasuke, a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan,Harlequin Audio,B07N7HNGDP

African Samurai The True Story of Yasuke a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan Audible Audio Edition Thomas Lockley Geoffrey Girard Gary Furlong Harlequin Audio Books Reviews :

African Samurai The True Story of Yasuke a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan Audible Audio Edition Thomas Lockley Geoffrey Girard Gary Furlong Harlequin Audio Books Reviews

  • I really enjoyed this! I expected to find well-researched information about this enigmatic warrior, but I didn’t expect to emotionally connect with Yasuke as he survived challenge after challenge. Even though it’s nonfiction, it’s written like a novel, and the Afterword is completely fascinating as it details the people and places of Yasuke’s time. Highly recommended!
  • This is a well written book about a not well known figure, in a time and setting underepresented in popular Western media. Sure, we see movies about samurai in the US, but not like this. This is one of those true stories that actually serves to make the world smaller, by showing us some of the realities and intricacies of the era, highlighting the connectedness of different cultures in the distant past. Here you have the intersection of regional Japanese politics/rivalries, framed in part by the opposing sides relative relationship with the western Catholic missionaries, and seen through the eyes of our hero, a young, wordly black mercenary, and eventual samurai himself.

    It's a fascinating dive for me, being only passingly familiar with the subject. The writing is smooth, easy/fast paced, and very evocative. It's rare to read a nonfiction that makes you want to preorder the movie ticket. This is one.

    I recommend this to anyone interested in more obscure historical characters, Japan, black history, or the politics involving the Catholic missionaries of the time.
  • When Okazaki Takashi’s manga and anime series “Afro Samurai” came out, I know there were people who felt it was silly that there was a Black man as a samurai.

    In reality, there was actually a real Black man who was a samurai and his story of how a man named Yisake who was renamed Yasuke, was a Habashi from Ethiopia and would serve under Oda Nobunaga in 1581-1582.

    And when it comes to research about the “African Samurai”, one man has dedicated a lot of time conducting research on Yasuke and that is Thomas Lockley, an Associate Professor at Nihon University College of Law in Tokyo where he teaches courses related to international and multicultural history of Japan and East Asia. He also was a Visiting Scholar at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.

    While Geoffrey Girard is a writer of thrillers, historicals and dark speculative fiction and has released several books.

    And together, the two have written a fascinating and well-researched book about Japan’s first Black samurai.

    It’s important to note that the book I am reviewing is an advanced reader’s edition, so I’m not sure how much has changed from this version to the final version. So, I’ll only touch upon key points and not spoil much.

    The challenges that I saw before reading this book was that information on Yasuke was little but to help readers understand his voyage to Japan, his country of origin and his role with warlord Oda Nobunaga, you have to feature the people that were around him.

    So the first chapter focuses on the man that Yasuke worked for, Alessandro Valignano and how he worked as a bodyguard and attendant for him and charting the locations that Valignano went to that Yasuke went with him.

    Valignano was given the position of “Visitor to the Indies” by Pope Gregory XIII and was sent to develop Catholic footholds in India, China and Japan.

    The book also shows us how people were in awe him, he was muscular and fit, he was also 6’2″ which was the tallest some may have seen and he was Black and traveling to countries which never saw a Black person ever. And if they have, no one so tall and muscular. Fear would not be the word as Japanese people had no negative images associated with Black people because Buddha and Daikokuten, were typically portrayed with black skin. Some who may have thought Yasuke as Daikokuten.

    The book also goes into Jesuits in Japan and Japanese who converted to Catholicism.

    As Lockley is able to showcase Catholicism in Japan at the time, he also paints the picture of life for him growing up in Africa, where children were made to slaves, anyone older or younger (not within the ages of 5-12) to work were slaughtered and how these children would come to work for a man like Valignano.

    Lockley also goes into the artwork that feature African men and how they were well-dressed in paintings and how certain depictions could be Yasuke.

    But also what happens when Valignano and his crew along with Yasuke went to see Oda Nobunaga, and Oda only wanted to see Yasuke because he has heard so much about this “Black Man”, that he insisted that he wanted to see him for his own eyes.

    What I found most interesting was the meeting between Yasuke and Oda Nobunaga, Oda going so far to scrub Yasuke’s skin, wondering if it was a joke. Even having him stripped to see if the black skin was indeed real and how he made Yasuke the guest of honor and also surprised Yasuke was of knowing the Japanese language. Answering every question Oda asked about the far away land he came from and the animals they had.

    Valignano knew immediately how much Oda was impressed by Yasuke and knowing that, he offered Yasuke to Oda.

    And I’ll leave it at that because there is even more fascinating tales of Yasuke becoming a samurai and how Oda welcomed Yasuke as his own black warrior, the demon who would ride with him in battle and the dark angel who protects him and his family in his home.

    And what transpired right after.

    The writers discuss how after 1582, there were no verified records of Yasuke. Was he killed in battle? Lockley provides other paths, other writings about a tall African man, but is it Yasuke or another man?

    In the book, the writers also go into how the forgotten story of Yasuke would appear again over two centuries later.

    But the writers have done a good job of presenting Yasuke through historical accounts, the people he worked with and served but also what was transpiring during that era in time to provide context to Japan’s first Black samurai.

    While no one may know the truth of what may have happened to Yasuke after 1582, the amount of research that went into investigating what may have happened to him and other writings pertaining to a tall Black man was fascinating and I appreciated the amount of work that was done to do all this research.

    Now I’m going to provide one counter to a review I read in Japan (for a Japanese book release of Yasuke by Lockley) of how he described the book like it was a thesis. First, I have to say that this book is not written to the point it is hard to understand. Yes, a lot of research went into this book but written like a thesis, I can see what the reviewer meant but by no means does this book read like a thesis. It’s well-researched and presented the best it can, considering there are sources of letters about Yasuke but not a whole lot, so the writers had to go further and understanding the era, the land Yasuke came from, the other people he served and what led him to Japan and his time with Oda Nobunaga.

    I simply enjoyed this book, to the point that I made a goal to visit the current Honno-ji in Kyoto really soon.

    For the most part, I commend Thomas Lockley and Geoffrey Girard in writing “African Samurai The True Story of Yasuke, a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan”. It’s fascinating, well-researched and I definitely recommend it!
  • African Samurai is a fascinating account of the merging of several worlds in the late 1500s. Taking the minimumal historical accounts of the life of Yasuke, author Thomas Lockley tells a story of an African slave of Portuguese Jesuits and how he rose in the ranks of samurai Japan. Lockley discusses the experiences of slaves in Asia, an area seldom included in the story of slavery, with a focus on India and Japan. Jesuit efforts to bring Christianity are examined, their small triumphs and ultimate failure to keep a beachhead in the nation. Lockley is very good at parsing the complex politics of Japan during the end of the shogun period and the lifetime of Lord Nobunaga . I found the discussion of the samurai particularly good and of interest to to anyone, even those with little knowledge of that warrior class. The lasting legend of Yasuke and its impact on Japanese culture is also examined. I think anyone who with an interest in early modern history on a world scale will be intrigued by this book, and it would make a nice addition to a reading list on that era. I enjoyed how Lockley presents the coming together of various cultures and the opportunities that merging presented people at the time. The reader should remember that we actually know very little about the man Yasuke, but the author weaves that morsel of knowledge into a much bigger story, and the reader will be rewarded with this well written and, yes, entertaining, book.
More aboutPDF African Samurai The True Story of Yasuke a Legendary Black Warrior in Feudal Japan Audible Audio Edition Thomas Lockley Geoffrey Girard Gary Furlong Harlequin Audio Books

Read Online Limited Wish Impossible Times Book 2 edition by Mark Lawrence Literature Fiction eBooks

By Jeffrey Reeves

Read Online Limited Wish Impossible Times Book 2 edition by Mark Lawrence Literature Fiction eBooks

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Download PDF Limited Wish Impossible Times Book 2  edition by Mark Lawrence Literature Fiction eBooks

One choice. Two possible timelines. And a world hanging in the balance.

It’s the summer of 1986 and reluctant prodigy Nick Hayes is a student at Cambridge University, working with world-renowned mathematician Professor Halligan. He just wants to be a regular student, but regular isn’t really an option for a boy-genius cancer survivor who’s already dabbled in time travel.

When he crosses paths with a mysterious yet curiously familiar girl, Nick discovers that creases have appeared in the fabric of time, and that he is at the centre of the disruption. Only Nick can resolve this time paradox before the damage becomes catastrophic for both him and the future of the world. Time is running out—literally.

Wrapped up with him in this potentially apocalyptic scenario are his ex-girlfriend, Mia, and fellow student Helen. Facing the world-ending chaos of a split in time, Nick must act fast and make the choice of a lifetime—or lifetimes.

Game on.

Read Online Limited Wish Impossible Times Book 2 edition by Mark Lawrence Literature Fiction eBooks


Product details

  • File Size 2944 KB
  • Print Length 222 pages
  • Publisher 47North (May 28, 2019)
  • Publication Date May 28, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Limited Wish Impossible Times Book 2  edition by Mark Lawrence Literature Fiction eBooks

Tags : Limited Wish (Impossible Times Book 2) - edition by Mark Lawrence. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Limited Wish (Impossible Times Book 2).,ebook,Mark Lawrence,Limited Wish (Impossible Times Book 2),47North

Limited Wish Impossible Times Book 2 edition by Mark Lawrence Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews :

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Download PDF Pagan Light Dreams of Freedom and Beauty in Capri Jamie James Books

By Jeffrey Reeves

Download PDF Pagan Light Dreams of Freedom and Beauty in Capri Jamie James Books

Product details

  • Hardcover 336 pages
  • Publisher Farrar, Straus and Giroux; 1st Edition edition (March 19, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0374142769

Pagan Light Dreams of Freedom and Beauty in Capri Jamie James Books Reviews

  • 288 pages of artists/authors that you've never heard of (you've heard of a few, but the author seems to focus on the most obscure of the bunch, with chapters that go on forever). I got no sense of the place itself, just of wealthy, usually gay, artists seeking a temporary shelter from their lives and bickering with each other, with a large part of the action actually taking place not on Capri.
  • I requested this book because I fell in love with Capri and was happy to see a book about this wonderful place.
    The book is amazing, well written and engaging.
    You meet a lot of the historical characters who lived there when it was a paradise for people who were outcasted for political or sexual reasons.
    The pagan word in the title refers to the atmosphere that is on the island has no religious meaning.
    It's an amazing well researched trip that makes you crave for going there.
    I look forward to reading other books by this writer.
    Highly recommended!
    Many thanks to Farrar, Straus and Giroux and Netgalley for this ARC
More aboutDownload PDF Pagan Light Dreams of Freedom and Beauty in Capri Jamie James Books

Download PDF Plages du débarquement et bataille de Normandie 9782067238114 Books

By Jeffrey Reeves

Download PDF Plages du débarquement et bataille de Normandie 9782067238114 Books

Product details

  • Paperback
  • Publisher Michelin Editions des Voyages (March 18, 2019)
  • Language French
  • ISBN-10 2067238116

More aboutDownload PDF Plages du débarquement et bataille de Normandie 9782067238114 Books

Download PDF No Visible Bruises What We Don't Know About Domestic Violence Can Kill Us Rachel Louise Snyder 9781635570977 Books

By Jeffrey Reeves

Download PDF No Visible Bruises What We Don't Know About Domestic Violence Can Kill Us Rachel Louise Snyder 9781635570977 Books

Product details

  • Hardcover 320 pages
  • Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing (May 7, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1635570972

More aboutDownload PDF No Visible Bruises What We Don't Know About Domestic Violence Can Kill Us Rachel Louise Snyder 9781635570977 Books

Download Pregnancy How to Get Pregnant Now! Audible Audio Edition Andrew P Segujja R F McCoy Andrew Segujja Books

By Jeffrey Reeves on Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Download Pregnancy How to Get Pregnant Now! Audible Audio Edition Andrew P Segujja R F McCoy Andrew Segujja Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 47 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Andrew Segujja
  • Release Date March 6, 2019
  • Language English, English

More aboutDownload Pregnancy How to Get Pregnant Now! Audible Audio Edition Andrew P Segujja R F McCoy Andrew Segujja Books

Download La trilogie des ombres Tome 2 Les anges de Babylone 9782902324019 Books

By Jeffrey Reeves

Download La trilogie des ombres Tome 2 Les anges de Babylone 9782902324019 Books

Download As PDF : La trilogie des ombres Tome 2 Les anges de Babylone 9782902324019 Books

Download PDF La trilogie des ombres Tome 2 Les anges de Babylone 9782902324019 Books

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Download La trilogie des ombres Tome 2 Les anges de Babylone 9782902324019 Books


Product details

  • Paperback
  • Publisher Metropolis (April 18, 2019)
  • Language French
  • ISBN-10 2902324014

Read La trilogie des ombres Tome 2 Les anges de Babylone 9782902324019 Books

Tags : La trilogie des ombres, Tome 2 Les anges de Babylone on . ,La trilogie des ombres, Tome 2 Les anges de Babylone,Metropolis,2902324014

La trilogie des ombres Tome 2 Les anges de Babylone 9782902324019 Books Reviews :

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PDF Commission Impossible Rogue Agent Eric Simon Eric Lee 9780578428017 Books

By Jeffrey Reeves

PDF Commission Impossible Rogue Agent Eric Simon Eric Lee 9780578428017 Books

Download As PDF : Commission Impossible Rogue Agent Eric Simon Eric Lee 9780578428017 Books

Download PDF Commission Impossible Rogue Agent Eric Simon Eric Lee 9780578428017 Books

Amid a grueling job search, a cynical slacker named Ben Ackerman (aka "The Broke Agent") is convinced by reality television that residential sales is an easy ticket to monetary success and real world respect.  After getting his real estate license, Ben joins a boutique Los Angeles brokerage where he befriends his virtuous partner in crime, Herbert. Together the divergent duo attempts to navigate the wacky world of real estate as absurd, industry characters constantly test their sanity. 

PDF Commission Impossible Rogue Agent Eric Simon Eric Lee 9780578428017 Books

"I'm in real estate myself and I come across A LOOOT of those who consider Tom Ferry is God and Ryan Serhant is real estate ZEUS and talk bla bla bla bla.. and THIS BOOK touches it alllll.... I'm following The Broke Agent for a while and he is a Genius as a meme maker and I have no doubt that he is a GREAT AGENT.


Product details

  • Series Commission Impossible (Book 1)
  • Hardcover 198 pages
  • Publisher The Broke Agent (March 4, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0578428016

Read Commission Impossible Rogue Agent Eric Simon Eric Lee 9780578428017 Books

Tags : Commission Impossible Rogue Agent [Eric Simon, Eric Lee] on . Amid a grueling job search,  a cynical slacker named Ben Ackerman (aka "The Broke Agent") is convinced by reality television that residential sales is an easy ticket to monetary success and real world respect.  After getting his real estate license,Eric Simon, Eric Lee,Commission Impossible Rogue Agent,The Broke Agent,0578428016,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Real Estate / Buying Selling Homes,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Sales Selling / General,Business Economics/Real Estate - Buying Selling Homes,HUMOR / Form / Comic Strips Cartoons,HUMOR / Topic / Business Professional,cartoon,comedy,real estate,real estate; comedy; cartoon; graphic novel; realtor; sales; sales humor; the broke agent; real estate humor; real estate sales; realtor jokes; real estate comics; real estate agent

Commission Impossible Rogue Agent Eric Simon Eric Lee 9780578428017 Books Reviews :

Commission Impossible Rogue Agent Eric Simon Eric Lee 9780578428017 Books Reviews

  • I've been a fan of the Broke Agent for years on Instagram so I was excited to hear they were doing a comic book.

    This book does a great job of humorizing all the intricacies of being an agent. It was a super fun and easy read that kept me laughing the whole way through. I was a bit surprised to see that it was over 175 pages, but it's broken up into 44 chapters. I read it all the way through, but you could easily pick any chapter for a quick laugh. They should probably make new agents read this before getting their license, lol.

    If you're an agent, you'll love this book. I just bought three more for agents at my office.
  • I love this book. One of the best real estate books I bought so far. I love the humor, and I love how I relate to almost all the things they mentioned in the book. Totally worth it!!! I can't wait to share with my team members!.
  • I’ve been following the Broke Agent for some time now, and when I found out they were writing a book, I almost couldn’t believe it! Ever since I got my hands on it, I haven’t stopped laughing. It’s not only a really good read, but it’s a great pick me up for when there are bad days in the Real Estate world!

    I can’t wait to give copies to other agents in my office. Also this is really good for anyone who is “thinking about getting their license.”
  • This book is hilarious! I got one for my coffee table and one for my friend’s birthday, who works in real estate. I follow the author (The Broke Agent) on Instagram and Facebook and this book for sure portrays his hilarious dry sense of humor when it comes to the real estate world. 10/10 recommend!
  • Ok listen up. If you are in the real estate industry, have ever bought a house, heck... if you have ever stepped foot inside of a house you need this book. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. The broke agent has outdone himself again. Thanks for the laughs brotha!
  • This book is comedic gold! A perfect combination of comedy and real life scenarios that happen every day in real estate. I plan on buying a few more copies for my fellow agents and maybe on for the lobby, my clients would love this!
  • Okay it makes total sense why everyone loves the Broke Agent. This book is absolutely hilarious and relatable to anyone in real estate. Commission Impossible is a must read for all new and seasoned agents. Buy this now for yourself and some extra copies for the agents in your office seriously.
  • I'm in real estate myself and I come across A LOOOT of those who consider Tom Ferry is God and Ryan Serhant is real estate ZEUS and talk bla bla bla bla.. and THIS BOOK touches it alllll.... I'm following The Broke Agent for a while and he is a Genius as a meme maker and I have no doubt that he is a GREAT AGENT.

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